Day: January 4, 2021

Daily Prayer

It is no secret that the Lazy Lab Hunting Club is a faith-based organization founded on the Biblical principles of work-based theology; meaning, we are called to serve God by loving others.  One of the ways that we continue to love others is through prayer.  We believe that prayer is powerful and that God hears our prayers whether they are spoken aloud or quietly in our hearts.  The officers who make up our organization take time out of their day to pray for those we have served and those we hope to serve.  As a member of the Board of Directors, Rev. Katie Day offers the below insight regarding the importance of daily prayer:   When I was in seminary, I had the opportunity to join an organization called “Company of New Pastors, a Presbyterian Church (USA) organization for recent seminary graduates serving in their first calls. We made four commitments: daily prayer, daily Bible reading, daily reading from the Book of Confessions (historic Presbyterian creeds), and regular reading and discussion of theological works. Of these commitments, the one that has shaped me most is daily prayer. In the 15 years since I joined CNP, my practice of daily prayer has shifted, evolved, and at times been more of a struggle, but has never stopped making meaning in my life. At times, I have worked through my denomination’s liturgy for daily prayer, an order laid out in a small book that is easily accessible. Other times, I have worked through other Christian traditions of prayer: praying the Hours, using litanies from other churches, lectio divina (sacred reading that involves reading a passage of scripture and asking God to teach you something), centering prayer and silence, and walking the labyrinth. I used to think that prayer had to look one certain way – like me speaking to God, usually in monologue – and I am grateful for this commitment that has enabled me to explore the wide variety of ways to pray, which continue to carry me through the ups and downs of daily life, and remind me that I worship a living God who seeks to be in relationship with me and all people.  – Rev. Katie Day, Senior Pastor on Staff, Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church –   No matter who you are, what you are going through, or what your faith may be, we would love the opportunity to pray with you.  Feel free to contact us at and ask to speak with one of our officers.   Gob bless you, my friends, and thank you for supporting our ministry seeking to serve those in need.  

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