A Moment with Rev. McCollum
Hello to all! This month we are so thankful to share a moment with Rev. Matt McCollum, senior pastor on staff at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fairhope, AL, as he briefly discusses spiritual guidance and it’s presence in our lives. Through the words and inspiration found within verses such as Psalm 119:105-122, Isaiah 41:9b-10, Lamentations 3:22-26, and Matthew 11:28-30, Matt provides the following: Have you noticed that some Christians seem to have an easier time hearing from God than others? There will be some people who use the language of divine guidance quite easily. “The Lord told me to do such and such. God spoke to me about going here or there. God put that burden on my heart.” Have you met those kind of people? Then there are other people who love God deeply, who follow God to the best of their ability, and yet simply never find themselves having that experience. They wonder, “Am I doing something wrong? Is there some secret I don’t know? Am I off-base or are other people just making this stuff up?” So, we want to know: Does God still speak to people? Is God involved in our everyday lives? Well, the answer is yes! God does still speak. Over and over again in the Bible we see that God actively and lovingly pursues God’s people. Consider the stories of Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and David, just to name a few. And while we cannot control when, where, or how God chooses to speak, we can and must choose how we will respond. While we can affirm God’s guidance in our lives, that doesn’t exempt us from having to make hard choices. Some people think hearing from God means that we will never have to make any decisions on our own. But that’s not how it works. To become a person of character requires that we will have to think things out and exercise judgment and sometimes make difficult choices in the face of uncertainty and then take accountability and learn. That means very often what God will say to us is, “You choose. Be wise. Get good counsel. Pray a lot. And I’ll be in all of that mix.” Thank you, Matt, for your words of encouragement and inspiration. If you’d like to learn more about Trinity Presbyterian Church and Rev. McCollum, please click https://www.tpcfairhope.org/index.html. God bless, y’all, and thank you for continuing to support the Lazy Lab Hunting Club ministry.