Established in 2008

mission of mend the heart foundation

Aiming to improve the overall emotional, physical, and mental health and wellness of U.S. service members and their families by providing high-quality outdoor therapy experiences.

Number of expeditions
Number of personnel served

The mission of Mend the Heart Foundation is to provide the highest of quality outdoors experiences done through our programs.

Our officers and partners create an environment in which all heroes and their families can experience a wonderful adventure while also focusing on alleviating emotional and spiritual burdens.

These one-of-a-kind expeditions are a new way to think about outreach programs to recovering service members and their dependents as we ensure a nurturing environment which promotes positivity and personal growth.

Highlights from Washington

(Pheasant hunt with Lazy Lab Hunting Club)

Our priority:

Believing in the value of fellowship, Mend the Heart Foundation aims to improve the overall emotional and spiritual wellness of profoundly injured U.S. service members and their dependents by providing high-quality outdoor expeditions.

mend the heart foundation

Specific Programs


established 2008

established 2008


established 2023


“The selfless, philanthropic work of my friend Matt and LLHC is making tangible contributions to the well-being of our active duty, reserve, and veteran communities. Moreover, it exemplifies to the public at-large the core values that our Armed Forces members hold dear both in and out of uniform.”


Major Greg Veteto
United States Marine Corps

– 05 November, 2021